Coping with the Physical Aspects of Trichotillomania

trichTrichotillomania is a disorder in which a person has a compulsive urge to pull out his or her own hair. Someone with trichotillomania can become anti-social and emotionally overwhelmed with the negative impacts of their appearance after pulling. While there are treatments for trichotillomania, many people will look for the short-term remedies for their physical appearance to camouflage the hair that has been pulled out.

Those who turn to wigs find the comfort in knowing their hair is safe underneath the wig. The pleasure a person with trichotillomania feels when pulling their own hair out, is not the same as pulling hair on a wig. The sufferer usually will not pull hair from their wig because they don’t have the same sensation as pulling hair from their scalp. Wearing realistic human hair wigs helps people with trichotillomania cope with their hair loss. More often than not, people with trichotillomania will have sensitive scalps from the pulling and will want a softer base on the inside of the wig. At Voga Wigs & Hair Add-On’s, we can help those with trichotillomania find a wig that will be comfortable and as real as possible.

Some people will try attaching extensions to cope with trichotillomania. Because the hair of the extensions is not their actual hair, it is not rooted into their scalp. The hair that is attached to the extensions is safe from pulling, as the sensation of pulling will not be the same. Extensions can help their natural hair gradually regain its strength and gradually grow out.

Wigs and extensions are great ways to cope with trichotillomania and regain back their social/physical aspects of their lives. At Voga Wigs & Hair Add-On’s, we have helped many women and children with wigs and extensions for trichotillomania. Many people will underestimate the power of self-confidence. Having a positive outlook on life will help tremendously on the road of trichotillomania treatment.  Keep in mind that wigs and extensions are not the final answer. If someone wants to really address trichotillomania and its problems, they should seek out treatment.


How to Donate Your Hair for a Wig

We are often timesdonate-you-hair-to-charity asked about donating hair. Although Keith’s Haircenter and Voga Wigs do not accept hair to make wigs at our salons, we have a lot of familiarity with foundations that do. Keith has been in the hair replacement business for over 30 years and has experiences that can hopefully help you with your hair donation questions.

There are two important things you need to understand before cutting and donating your hair.

1) Understand the foundation you are donating to.

There are several different organizations that you can donate to but make sure you understand what they are going to do with your hair. Locks for Love is probably one of the most popular foundations but Forbes Magazine reported that last year over $6 million went unaccounted for by this non-profit organization. Locks for Love receives over 100,000 donations each year but in 2011 only produced 137 hair pieces. You can read more from this in the article here.

There are other options depending on where you would like your hair to go and how long your hair donation will be. Pantene Beautiful Lengths is a great option for people wanting to donate 8 inches or more. This foundation started in 2006 and donates wigs to women who have lost their hair due to cancer. These wigs are distributed through the American Cancer Society. Learn more about Pantene Beautiful Lengths at their website.

Another great option is Wigs for Kids. This non-profit organization was founded in 1981 by another leader in the hair replacement industry, Jeffery Paul. This foundation accepts donations that are at least 12 inches long for children and teens who have lost their hair for medical reasons. Our own Green Bay Packer, Mary's haircut for wigs for kidsA.J. Hawk donated his precious locks to Wigs for Kids last year. We also had an extremely generous girl, Mary, donate over 24” last year. You can check out her story here. Learn more about Wigs for Kids at their website.

2) Follow the foundation’s instructions to the letter.

We cannot stress enough how important it is for you to follow the donation instructions for whichever organization you choose to donate to. If you do not it is most likely that your hair will not be used and all of you effort will not end up in the creation of a wig. You did all of that work taking care of your hair for it to go to a women or child suffering from medical hair loss; don’t throw it away by not following instructions. The hair NEEDS to be at the minimum length in ponytail or braid.

In order to make a wig out of your hair it needs to be healthy. This means it cannot be dyed, bleached, highlighted, permed or chemically straightened. Also while you’re growing your hair out, take care of it. Growing your hair does not mean skipping haircuts. Trimming the ends will keep hair healthy and will have a better chance of being used in a wig for someone who really needs it.

We sincerely hope this information helps anyone who is thinking about donating their hair to a non-profit organization. If you have any other questions the staff of Voga Wigs and Keith’s Haircenter would be happy to answer them. Call or visit us at our Green Bay or Appleton locations.

Keith’s Haircenter: Green Bay (920)499-3300 Appleton (920)882-0662
Voga Wigs: Green Bay (920)884-8642 Appleton (920)882-8642

Making a Fabulous Fashion Statement with a wig.

ImageHair loss can be devastating. At Voga we understand the stress and the anxiety you are feeling. We help woman everyday just like you dealing with hair loss, from chemotherapy, alopecia, natural thinning, medications, for all sorts of reasons. You are not alone. Providing beautiful undetectable wigs for our customers is our mission.

A wig can look natural and you can look beautiful wearing one. I know its hard to believe but you probably don’t even realize how many people around you are wearing them already. In most TV shows, every movie and in plays the actors are wearing wigs. You’ve always known this fact but you really haven’t given it much thought because the wigs are not apparent. Your eye focuses on the actor not the wig. When a wig is properly fitted and you have the correct color and style, you will look amazing too. You can look just as fabulous in one as the many celebrities you’ve seen wearing them. Most times you think that they are just a born with the beautiful hair when in reality they have the same problems we deal with. They are just wearing a wig.  Wearing a wig gives you the ability to have the hair you always wished you had.

Most people have a negative impression of wigs because they only notice the bad ones, the ill fitted ones, cheap hair with poor construction. To look your best and feel your best in a wig it should compliment your skin tone, with a style and fit just for you.

High quality, undetectable wigs are not just for celebrities.


Tutorial – Applying Cosmetics with Alopecia/Hairloss .

What makes the “Hand Tied” wigs so special?

ImageDesigned with the hair loss client in mind our lace front mono top with hand tied sides and back cap construction offers cool and lightweight comfort and the most believable silhouettes in product design. The natural looking hairline is perfect for off the face styling.  This seamless construction creates the most comfortable fit available in the market today, Ideal if you have a sensitive scalp or are experiencing any type of hair loss albeit temporary or permanent in nature. Our fully hand tied wigs are made with single layer, ultra-fine mesh fabrics that blend with any skin tone while creating the illusion of natural hair growth wherever the hair is parted, for the most realistic in styling flexibility.


jupiter_rf_photo_of_woman_grabbing_prescriptionAmong the medications that list hair loss as a side effect are anticlotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and drugs for menopause, birth control, and antibiotics. Usually, hair grows back when the medication is stopped, but may not in some cases.

Drugs cause hair loss by interfering with the normal cycle of scalp hair growth. During the anagen phase, which lasts for three to four years, the hair grows. During the telogen phase, which lasts about three months, the hair rests. At the end of the telogen phase, the hair falls out and is replaced by  new hair.

Medications can lead to two types of hair loss: telogen effluvium and anagen effluvium.

Telogen effluvium is the most common form of drug-induced hair loss. It usually appears within two to four months after taking the drug. This condition causes the hair follicles to go into their resting phase (telogen) and fall out too early. People with telogen effluvium usually shed between 100 and 150 hairs a day.

Anagen effluvium is hair loss that occurs during the anagen phase of the hair cycle, when the hairs are actively growing. It prevents the matrix cells, which produce new hairs, from dividing normally. This type of hair loss usually occurs within a few days to weeks after taking the medication. It’s most common in people who are taking chemotherapy drugs for cancer and is often severe, causing people to lose most or all of the hair on their head, as well as their eyebrows, eyelashes, and other body hairs.

The severity of drug-induced hair loss depends on the type of drug and dosage, as well as your sensitivity to that drug.

Chemotherapy and hair loss

Chemotherapy-Hair-LossChemotherapy Hair loss: Chemotherapy drugs are powerful medications that attack rapidly growing cancer cells. Unfortunately, these drugs also attack other rapidly growing cells in your body — including those in your hair roots.
Chemotherapy may cause hair loss all over your body — not just on your scalp. Sometimes your eyelash, eyebrow, armpit, pubic and other body hair also falls out. Some chemotherapy drugs are more likely than others to cause hair loss, and different doses can cause anything from a mere thinning to complete baldness. Talk to your doctor or nurse about the medication you’ll be taking. Your doctor or nurse can tell you what to expect.
Fortunately, most of the time hair loss from chemotherapy is temporary. You can expect to regrow your hair three to 10 months after your treatment ends, though your hair may temporarily be a different shade or texture.
What to expect during treatment:
Hair usually begins falling out one to three weeks after you start treatment. It could fall out very quickly in clumps or gradually. You’ll likely notice accumulations of hair on your pillow, in your hairbrush or comb, or in your sink or shower drain. Your scalp may feel tender.
Your hair loss will continue throughout your treatment and up to a few weeks afterward. Whether your hair thins or you become completely bald will depend on your treatment. Generally, you can lose about 50 percent of your hair before it’s noticeable to other people.
It may take a few weeks after treatment for your hair to recover and begin growing again. When your hair starts to grow back, it will probably be slightly different from the hair you lost. But the difference is usually temporary. Your new hair might have a different texture or color. It might be curlier than it was before, or it could be gray until the cells that control the pigment in your hair begin functioning again.
Making the Right Choice:
For many women losing your hair is a very stressful part of treatment. What’s even more stressful is finding a realistic and comfortable wig to hide the side effects of the chemotherapy. Let’s face it, the hair loss alone puts most on an emotional rollercoaster and when you factor in choosing between human or synthetic hair, machine made or hand tied, the entire process can be overwhelming.
Voga Wigs and Hair Add-ons staff is specially trained in helping you in the process and offers the highest quality human and synthetic hair wigs. Although some women will buy several different styles and colors, most women are looking for a sense of normalcy. Realizing that every woman is different and has different needs and wants, we specialize in customizing your wig to closely match the look and style you had before your hair loss. This process takes the majority of the stress away and allows you to feel confident and worry free about your wig.
Knowledge is power and we will change the way you look at your chemotherapy hair loss. To experience one of our simplified, stress free consultations please contact us to make an appointment.

How to Care for Clip-in Hair Extensions

Clip In ExtensionsCaring for clip-in hair extensions: Your clip-in extensions are not meant for 24/7 wear. Don’t sleep in them, work out or swim in them.
Tangles tend to worsen as your extensions are shuffled around or stuffed in a drawer. It is best to comb out extensions as soon as you remove them. This will assure they are ready to pop in the next time you want to wear them.
Use a wide tooth comb to gently pick snarls free. When combing your clip-ins, start at the bottom couple of inches of the extension. Gently work out tangles at the bottom before moving up the length, working your way up to the top. This will prevent unnecessary breakage.
You can store your clean, dry, hair extension pieces in plastic bags if desired, just so long as you make sure to use a sufficiently sized package that the hair doesn’t get handled roughly. You should make sure that you can place it into the packaging in a neat and tidy arrangement. The newer, “disposable”, food storage containers also work well. They are available in a variety of sizes and you can easily arrange the hair extensions into the container to keep them neat and untangled.
Once they’re stored safely, place the containers in a dark place (or at least away from exposure to sunlight). UV light can bleach the color of extensions when they are exposed to it for continuous and repeated periods. Simply place the extensions on a closet shelf or in a drawer or cabinet when you need to stow them away.
As with combing you will only want to wash your clip-in extensions after removing them, although washing isn’t necessary after each use. Most of the time, you won’t need to cleanse your extensions as often as the rest of your hair. A once a week washing should be sufficient to keep them looking and smelling good. You can use a standard gentle shampoo and conditioner with warm water on Human hair extensions.
Do not rub the extensions with a towel like you would your own hair. Instead, lightly squeeze out the moisture. Pass through the strands with a comb to free any wash related tangles and then air dry the extensions.
To get the best look from your extensions bring them along to your next haircut. You stylist can trim them while they are attached to your head to blend the extensions seamlessly with your existing hair.

Extending Hair Extending Hope 2012

Extending Hair Extending Hope has wrapped up its third year raising money

Keith and Stylists doing Pink Extensions at the Bellin Cancer Center

Keith and Stylists doing Pink Extensions at the Bellin Cancer Center

through Pink Extensions.  This last month Keith’s Haircenter and Voga Wigs teamed up with the Bellin Cancer Center to raise funds for those suffering from cancer in Northeastern Wisconsin.  Together we raised $6,310!  We want to thank everyone for their donations to this great cause.

Why Does Hair Loss Get Worse in the Fall?

Ever notice that you seem to lose more hair in the fall?  The average person loses 20-50 strandsImage a day but during the fall months this increases to 50-100 strands. 

The culprit? Fluctuations in temperature.  This can affect blood circulation to the scalp.  There are some ways to protect your mane.

  • Stay Hydrated.  Drinking water and fighting dehydration will increase your blood circulation. 
  • Drink Green Tea.  Green tea makes the small blood cells expand which increases blood circulation.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet.  Eating things like tuna, anchovies, fruit, lettuce, green peppers and radishes will strengthen your hair follicles.